The Perfect Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) for Call Centers

Simplify IT maintenance, save money, and empower call center employees with scalable virtual desktop solutions.

Simplify IT maintenance, save money, and empower call center employees with scalable virtual desktop solutions.

Now that your call center employees are working from home, your cybersecurity is being compromised. Avoid these challenges by moving to the Cloud and using VDI solutions for call centers:

Employees’ access to work files is insecure when working remotely.

Ineffective collaboration with your employees and clients.

You are concerned about increasing cyber security risks.

Difficulty to scale your needs as your call center grows.

You struggle with accessing your business applications on your mobile devices.

Your business is growing but your IT infrastructure isn’t designed to keep up with it.

You want to provide a secure and restricted access of business applications to outside contractors.

If you are facing some of these challenges,

CloudSourceUSA Cloud can help:

Provide a secure and fast Cloud desktop for your employees so they can work from home on their own devices.

Deploy new desktops pre-installed with your business applications in a few clicks—available from your desktop, browser & smartphone.

Provide restricted computer access to outside contractors and offshore employees.

Easily scale storage and hardware specifications as your company grows.

Leave to us the management of the antivirus and daily backups.

Use Desktop Virtualization as a Disaster Recovery Solution For Call Centers

In case of a disaster, it is easy to migrate from on-premise desktops to virtual desktops by using desktop virtualization in the Cloud with little to no downtime. Call center IT teams can deploy and control desktop virtualization solutions from a management console. Your call center employees won’t need to use additional remote access software.

Cloud Desktop Tailored For Your Needs

A Fully-Integrated virtual cloud desktop service Tailored for Businesses. Total Technical Support Included; No IT Skills Required.

Cost savings

IT can easily scale up or down to meet fluctuating call centers demand by using CloudSourceUSA Cloud’s DaaS, which optimizes resources and does not require new hardware investments.

Simplified IT maintenance

With a fully managed desktop as a service system for call centers, IT staff spend less time responding to error tickets and more time building applications for call centers.


With a modern DaaS solution that brings call center employees closer to their data resources in a seamless manner, you can strengthen the relationship between employees and IT.

The ability to work remotely on different OS

Call center employees do not have to worry about whether having a Mac or PC will impact their ability to access the apps they need.


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